Clan Sinclair

Welcome to the Website of Clan Sinclair Australia.
My name is Wayne Sinclair and I have the honour of being the current President of Clan Sinclair Australia. Clan Sinclair Australia (CSA) was established in 2000 with the support of our Patron, Malcolm, Earl of Caithness. The team of people responsible for the establishment of CSA were lead by our founding President Margaret Sinclair Stokes. Margaret was succeeded as President of CSA in 2001 by her mother, Jean Sinclair Stokes, who served in the position until May 2005.

I have been involved with CSA for seventeen years. I was the Treasurer for four years and I have been the President for the past thirteen years Liane Sinclair has served as our Secretary for seventeen years and our Treasurer is long time CSA member Jim Deane.
The committee is committed to the original Statement of Purpose of Clan Sinclair Australia which states that the Objects of Clan Sinclair Australia are:
• Non-sectarian and non-political.
• To promote the concept of a Family of Sinclair's in Australasia linking with the world wide Sinclair family.
• The fostering and preservation of Clan sentiments with other branches of Clan Sinclair throughout the
• The acquisition, compilation, preservation and distribution of information of historical interest and value,
particularly Australian, which concerns those who may be considered, have been by birth, marriage or
adoption, a part of Clan Sinclair.
• The collection, preservation and publications of the records, traditions and genealogies of Clan Sinclair as
well as biographical notes, stories or legends pertaining to any member past or present of Clan Sinclair.
• The cultivation of social contact between members of the Association.
• The maintenance and the presence in Australia of Clan Sinclair through the official membership roll.
• To disseminate information on the above through attendances at Highland Gatherings, Clan meetings,
and via the internet, newsletters and other forms of communication.
• To build a database of Sinclair genealogy for the information of present and future generations.
• To foster interest in, and knowledge of, the origins and history of Clan Sinclair.
• To share with the wider community the pride of Sinclair heritage.
• To communicate with others in the Sinclair family to delineate fact from folklore in history.
Anyone with the name Sinclair or one of its variations or Septs (Refer to our Septs link) is welcome to join CSA. Members receive four Newsletters a year that contain information on famous, and not so famous, Sinclair's from history or current times.
We encourage our members to make contributions to our Newsletter. The committee meets in Melbourne on four occasions each year. The committee meetings are followed by a social gathering. All members are welcome.
Representatives of CSA attend several highland gatherings each year. At this stage they are all in Victoria but we are very eager to recruit members who will represent CSA at gatherings in other States.
If you are interested in joining CSA or would like further information on our organisation please go to our Membership link or contact us. (Refer to our Contact link).
Thank you for visiting our website.
Wayne Sinclair
President, Clan Sinclair Australia